Basic Wig Long Straight Pink

Rp 210,000Rp 226,000

Material : Synthetic fiber
Colors : Light Pink, Candy Pink, Smoke Pink
Length : 70cm
Heat resistant up to 140⁰C
Pembelian wig BELUM termasuk wig cap/hairnet.  Produk dapat dilihat di SINI
SKU: N/A Category:


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*Wig BELUM TERMASUK hairnet/wig cap, silahkan tambahkan dari menu
*Foto produk asli. Warna mungkin sedikit berbeda dari tampilan akibat resolusi monitor komputer, pencahayaan, kualitas foto, dll.
*Apabila barang/varian kosong kami akan info via SMS atau WhatsApp.
*Please select the variant color / model according to your needs
* Wig cap is not included. If you need one please add from the menu
* Real pictures of the product. Colors may slightly differ from the display due to the resolution of the computer monitor, lighting, photo quality, etc.
* If the variant is unavailable, we will info you via text messages or WhatsApp.

Additional information

Weight 300 g

Light Pink, Candy Pink, Smoke Pink


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